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Mopro Configuration

This config file is best used together with mopro-cli.

By creating a toml configuration file you can specify what build settings you want to use. Example is provided in config-example.toml:

# config-example.toml

# For iOS device_type can be x86_64, simulator, device
ios_device_type = "simulator" # Options: x86_64, simulator, device
# For Android device_type can be x86_64, x86, arm, arm64
android_device_type = "arm64" # Options: x86_64, x86, arm, arm64

# debug is for Rust library to be in debug mode and release for release mode
# We recommend release mode by default for performance
build_mode = "release" # Options: debug, release

dir = "examples/circom/keccak256" # Directory of the circuit
name = "keccak256_256_test" # Name of the circuit

use_dylib = false # Options: true, false
name = "keccak256.dylib" # Name of the dylib file, only used if use_dylib is true

# Note: circom-witness-rs is experimental
# See for updates
# Only works for keccak256_256_test circuit now
use_native_witness_generation = false # Options: true, false